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The Birth Of A Bouncy Baby Walrus Is Celebrated By Pairi Daiza

Pairi Daiza is ecstatic to share the news of the birth of a boy walrus. The birth was publicized on the zoo’s Facebook page. The birth of the newborn walrus was unusual in that it took place in the presence of only male specialists.

Tania and Odin are the parents of the newborn walrus. The International Conservation Program’s efforts resulted in this successful birth. Tania, a 17-year-old mother, had traveled from L’Oceanogràfic, a Valencia aquarium. She was flown all the way to Germany’s Hagenbeck Animal Park in order to mate with Europe’s only breeding male.

The infant has yet to be weighed by specialists. The keepers, on the other hand, estimated that the infant would weigh approximately sixty pounds. The two are being closely monitored by the personnel. They’ll be off the display for the next three weeks so they can connect and the mother can nurse. The bouncing newborn boy should be out on exhibit in a few weeks.

Tania is a first-time mother, but she is doing fantastically. She’s displaying all of the appropriate behaviors. The keepers claim that they do not meddle and instead let nature take its course. They are, nevertheless, constantly cautious and monitoring them to be on the safe side.

For the time being, the infant is doing great. He consumes a lot of food. In addition, he is a strong swimmer. It’s a win-win situation for all parties involved.

Pairi Daizi employs the best-trained personnel and specialists in the industry. Bringing Tania here is, in reality, the finest decision I’ve ever made. As a result, it turned out to be the best option. The news of the birth is very exciting for everyone because walruses are classified as fragile species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

A couple more female walruses will visit Odin as part of the dialogue initiative between three nations and parks. This is only for the purpose of breeding.

Soon, this little bouncy baby boy will flourish and become an adult and play his role in this program!